CELO Services
CELLO has developed multi-lingual patient letters (A-level) and protocols (B-level) on Diabetes, Lung diseases, Obesity and the prevention of Cardio-vascular diseases. These documents are systematically kept up to date and the quality is controlled by commissions of general practitioners and practice nurses, who are supported by specialists (C-level) in the relevant fields.
The results of the efforts of the CELLO team concerning Diabetes and Lung diseases are measured by a national point of Healthcare Quality control.
Practical information such as diet advice, exercise programmes, referral addresses and other relevant information for treatment and prevention is available on the Patient platform. This platform is the meeting point for exchanging experiences, discussion and posts.
Diabetes service
Your general practitioner registers you at the CELLO Diabetes service. Subsequently, you will receive an invitation for taking a blood sample and a checkup by the practice nurse or specialised diabetes nurse. Three times a year there is a small checkup and once a year a more extensive checkup. Additionally, appointments with the dietician and ophtamologist (eye doctor) are made.
A lot of attention is paid to what you can do yourself about Diabetes.
Asthma and COPD service
On the basis of airway symptoms or longterm smoking your general practitioner can register you at the CELLO Asthma and COPD service. A lung function test examines the condition of you lungs. Together with the (practice) nurse the activities and exercises that best fit your specific situation are determined. You will also hear which medication can help you and how often you will have checkups.
Cardio-vascular service
The risk of Cardio-vascular diseases is reduced by a healthy lifestyle. By regularly checking weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the staff of the CELLO Cardio-vascular service demonstrate how to reduce these risks yourself. In many cases, your general practitioner will support this by also giving you medication.
For consultation or questions you can contact CELLO or your own general practitioner.
Illness perception in patients with D.M. type II in Cambodia
This research is a qualitative study of illness perception in patients registered in a clinic in a rural area in Cambodia (Cambodia-Dutch Organization). All patients in the clinic with Diabetes...